Rock Phosphate (P2O5)

A naturally occurring mineral, phosphate rock, is found in extensive deposits around the globe. Essential for plant growth, phosphorus is a key component of inorganic phosphorus fertilizers. However, phosphate rock can also be directly applied to soil as organic phosphorus fertilizer or rock phosphate, thereby enhancing crop yields and replenishing soil phosphorus levels.

Phosphate Rock Specifications:

Constituent TAS 30 TAS 29 TAS 28 TAS 27 TAS 26
Items Value % Value % @Value % @Value % Value %
CaO 47-49 47-49 47-49 47-49 47-49
P2O5 30 29 28 27 26
PBL 65.5 63.3 60-62 59 65.5
MgO 0.35-0.45 0.35-0.45 0.35-0.45 0.35-0.45 0.35-0.45
Fe 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50
AL2O3 0.35-0.55 0.35-0.55 0.35-0.55 0.35-0.55 0.35-0.55
K2O 0.05-0.065 0.05-0.065 0.05-0.065 0.05-0.065 0.05-0.065
Na2O 0.35-0.065 0.35-0.065 0.35-0.065 0.35-0.065 0.35-0.065
SiO2 7.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 7.00-9.00
SO3 1.50-2.50 1.50-2.50 1.50-2.50 1.50-2.50 1.50-2.50
F 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50
CL 0.04-0.07 0.04-0.07 0.04-0.07 0.04-0.07 0.04-0.07
L.O.I 6.5-7.50 6.5-7.50 6.5-7.50 6.5-7.50 6.5-7.50
CO2 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50
ORG.MATT. 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25
Moisture 3 – 5 3 – 5 3 – 5 3 – 5 3 – 5
Solubility in 2% Citric Acid 36.00~42.00% 36.00~42.00% 36.00~42.00% 36.00~42.00% 36.00~42.00%

TAS rock phosphate Standard Size:

Size /MM Result %
+ 4.5 MM 0 to 2
-4.5 —0.16 MM 70 to 80
-16 to + 0.08 MM 10 to 15
-0.08 to+0.05 MM 3 to 5
-0.05 MM 5 to 8

Phosphate Rock Capacity and Productions:

Beyond its agricultural applications, phosphate rock boasts various industrial uses. In the detergent industry, it acts as a water softener. For agriculture, phosphate rock provides three essential elements for plant growth, making it a valuable component of fertilizers. Industrially, phosphate rock is a key ingredient in phosphoric acid production and the creation of phosphate-based chemicals. Notably, Egyptian phosphate rock is of high quality and exported to major industrialized nations like Japan, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines for use in advanced industrial processes. In agriculture phosphate rock can be directly applied to the soil or processed into calcium superphosphate fertilizer, which boasts a 15% P2O5 content, via treatment with sulfuric acid.

Phosphate rock, a vital mineral resource, serves multiple purposes. In the fertilizer industry, it’s the foundation for creating phosphate fertilizers, including calcium superphosphate (triple phosphate) produced through the reaction of phosphate rock with phosphoric acid. Organic farming can also utilize phosphate rock directly, and research explores the use of bacteria to enhance its effectiveness. Phosphate rock’s value extends beyond agriculture, as it’s a source of both phosphorus (P), essential for plant growth, and uranium.

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